When you are moving, there are plenty of things that can be done to help make the move go smoother.
Start a file for moving related expenses, and get ‘Tax Information on Moving Expenses’
Separate all items that you won’t be moving and plan a garage sale or phone your favorite charity to make a donation
Prepare an inventory list of items you will be moving
Determine ‘replacement value’ for insurance purposes
Start Packing. Packing always takes longer than expected
While packing, put valuables in a safety deposit box or in a place for safe keeping
Clarify payment details with your movers and verify which expenses your company will pay
Notify the post office that you are moving
Notify subscriptions, memberships and credit card companies of your change in address
Contact utility companies, phone, heat, water, cable and make arrangements for deposit refunds and shut-off dates
Make arrangements for any medical, dental and veterinary records to be transferred
Notify your children’s school and make arrangement for records
Collect any necessary legal records
Return things that you borrowed and collect items you loaned out
Movers typically don’t move plants; therefore, make special arrangements for your plants
Plan your meals and use up food in the freezer and pantry
Contact your accountant regarding transferring your funds and don’t forget RRSPs and brokerage accounts
Open bank accounts in your new town and arrange the transfer of your funds
Verify your moving estimate
Dispose of any combustibles and drain all power tools of fuel and oil
Pack a personal bag of what you will need in transit
In a special box, pack items you will need immediately after you move and mark the box ‘DO NOT MOVE’
Pack a small tool box for last minute tasks
If your home has sold, cancel all newspapers and services such as lawn or pool care
Clean area rugs and clothing
Pack a briefcase with all important documents you may need
Prepare appliances for moving. Defrost freezer and clean refrigerator
Service your automobiles
Set aside instruction manuals on the home for new owners
Pick up any dry cleaning or anything that is out for repair or service
Remove all valuables from your safety deposit box
Check on utility service at new address and arrange to have them on when you arrive
Ship or give away all perishable and frozen foods
Mark the boxes you need as soon as possible with ‘OPEN FIRST’
Leave mirrors and pictures on walls for movers to pack
Stay at your home until the movers have left
Take a final tour of the home/yard to make sure you have not forgotten anything
Carefully review the inventory sheet and bill of lading before you sign it
Confirm your drivers’ delivery address and date
Inform your neighbors that the house is empty
Lock all doors and windows
Leave your keys and garage door openers with the new owners or your REALTOR™
Examine your furniture and possessions as they are unloaded. Open all boxes and make a note of any damage
For gas service, check pilot light on stove, hot water heater and furnace
Have your locks re-keyed
Locate your local post office and pick up any mail being held for you
Notify people of your new address
Contact your Motor Vehicle Branch for a change of address on your driver’s licence
Register your vehicles
Register your children into school
Collect emergency phone numbers and address of your nearest hospital
Transfer your insurance to a local agent